Next challenge starts August 31st

5 Day FAT LOSS & FOCUS challenge - lose 2 - 5kg in just 5 days while boosting energy and focus...
(even if you've tried and failed in the past...)
The next challenge starts... July 3rd but registration is just about to close...
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
No thanks, id rather spend 20 years at weight watchers
THIS Challenge Is For You IF...
  • You have tried 1 or more fitness plan but keep hitting a wall
  • ​You really want to get in shape but are a little overwhelmed with all the options
  • ​You Know its a free challenge but your worried theres a catch
  • ​There isnt you want help after great if you dont you will have alot of free info none the less  
Meet your new coach for the next 5 days...
Steve Walker
...who helps busy professionals increase Confidence,Fat loss and Muscle gain in a way designed to boost your productivity in both the boardroom and bedroom!
In my very early 20s i qualified as a personal trainer, i was under the impression that the qualification only would be enough but i quickly discovered it wasent the knowledge of anatomy and nutrition that got folks the body the wanted

It was having a coach who actually understood individual wants and needs along with having themselves taken their body to highest levels possible Naturally (im 41 and the closest ive been to steroids is a protein shake)

I actually quit the fitness industry once!

After a couple of years in the business i quit, you see i realised it wasent the clients results that seemed to matter but the marketting, so i decided as i wasent a markateer this was not for me 

Then one day i went to a seminar (The Millionaire Mind) and it dawned on me, my job as a coach was not to sell personal training blocks of sessions but to solve a problem, so i asked myself 

1. who are the people that i love working with most
2. who can i add the most value too

Then it dawned on me that the right habits of training, nutrition and mindset can help business men and entrepreneurs

bullett points below

Increase energy levels (they get more done)
Avoid Burnout (avoiding stress related health issues)
Boost confidence 
Improve posture (both of these hugely impact your ability to both command and sell)
Sleep better 
Spend more time with the people you care about 

as well as massively enhancing 

Fat loss
Muscle gain
and lets face it Libido (Testosterone is a huge factor on what we do

But i needed to become the expert in my field so i did exactly what i would be asking my clients to do.....


I wanted to build the best physique imaginable without sacrificing my long term health (checkout what steroids and other hormones do to a man, tiny testicles are one thing!)

so i got a Body Building mentor

When i started competing as bodybuilder it dawned on me that it was the accountability and contingencies for outside of the gym that made all difference, even a big bruiser like me just needed a mentor to tell me "just stick with the program and trust the process" my last mentor James Hollingshead has been in the Olympia the last 3 years running so lets say i had some pretty good mentoring

then a business mentor

i felt that i could already get amazing results for my clients and had done for many years, but i wanted to make sure i could deliver it in the most accesible way possible both on a 121 basis and in a group

Got a speaking coach

The last part was making sure i could articulate the process as well as possible, and i also discovered that speaking was a powerful tool to influence and help far more people than i could on a one to one basis and heres what i also learned....every aspect of being a great speaker,

posture,confidence, energy, body language and of course knowing your subject were the key componants a businessman needs too and all are improved through training and nutrition

"Without acception"

infact ive spent thousands of hours honing my art and learning exactly what does an doesnt work to get results for me time poor clients no matter how gruelling their schedule...

So i created a plan to reflect the value i could bring with my T90 program

But instead of spending the usual £197 - £1997 you would spend to work with me directly youll get to work closely with me for the next 5 days for FREE!
  • Benefit: Youll learn the fundamentals of Fat loss and muscle gain in easy bite size steps that will work, no matter what your goals
  • Feature: You will have more energy and mental focus, and be losing fat without feeling like your sacrificing anything with the support of others on your journey
  • Icon: Change the icons in the settings
No thanks, I wanna stay fat and happy!
...and here's what 90 days on this plan can do...
Over the next 5 days you will...
  • Attend 5 short trainings and action steps (15 minutes daily)
  • Imediatly implement the small bite size daily actions...
  • Stay accountable with the support youll receive in the group
  • Notice a huge boost in confidence and focus 
  • ​Build momentum as the changes quickly become healthy habits
  • Share your new found wisdom with friends and family, this is not just a body change but an education on how it works
...OR you'll deem the few minutes a day over a 5 day period of your time not worth the return you'll get across the YEARS to keep you in peak condition...
No thanks, Id rather burn my money on a block of PT sessions
#3 Most weight lost...
THIRD most weight lost will win one months access to the "Neo coach" transformation group worth £197...
  • 1 month NEO COACH access
  • Custom Training & Nutrition plan built for your goals 
  • group accountability 
  • weekly live coaching calls
#2 MOST weight loss...
Second tmost weight lost will win 3 months access to the "Neo coach" transformation group worth £591...
  • 3 month NEO COACH access
  • Custom Training & Nutrition plan built for your goals 
  • group accountability 
  • weekly live coaching calls
#1 MOST weight loss
#1 top weight lost will win three months access to the "Neo coach" transformation group worth and 4 weeks 121 coaching with me...
  • 1 months 121 coaching with me
  • 3 month NEO COACH access
  • Custom Training & Nutrition plan built for your goals 
  • group and personal accountability 
  • weekly live coaching calls
If you read all of that and you don't think everything included plus the outcomes provided are worth 5 days of your time 

...then it wasn't a good fit to work together anyway...

BUT if you're an action-taker and you CAN'T WAIT to begin, click the button below now to secure your space before Doors CLOSE!
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